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Where is my LCD screen??? Babymaker missing LCD SOLVED!!!

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Where is my LCD screen??? Babymaker missing LCD SOLVED!!!

Author: FLX Bike via YouTube
Where is my LCD screen??? Babymaker missing LCD SOLVED!!!

Lately, we’ve been seeing a lot of customer outreach saying that they did not receive an LCD screen when receiving their babymakers…

While for a very small few of you this may be an assembly error, many who have reached out to us stating after further investigation they have found their LCD within one of the styrofoam pieces attached to their bike.

We are aware of the impracticality of this and will be changing the way we do this for all future orders.

For all bikes that have already gone out, we advise that you do not throw anything away until your bike is up and riding.

our apologies for any inconveniences and we thank you for all your patience.

As always you can contact us here:

we’ll see you out there!!!

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