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The Swifty Podcast #18 – COVID Effects, UK E-Scooter Trials & New Products!

The Swifty Podcast #18 – COVID Effects, UK E-Scooter Trials & New Products!

Author: Swifty Scooters via YouTube
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The Swifty Podcast #18 - COVID Effects, UK E-Scooter Trials & New Products!

The Swifty Podcast returns! After a break as a result of the COVID-19 Jason and Camilla are back to give you all an update on how the past 6 months have affected us.

Our co-founders also share their views on the current UK e-scooter trials, give updates on some hotly anticipated products and hint at what’s to come over the next few months in terms of new products!

Skip ahead to a point in the conversation below –

03:00 – The changing nature of how people used scooters during lockdown
05:00 – How our NHS discount was embraced worldwide and some touching customer stories
08:29 – The UK government call for evidence on E-scooters, the evidence we submitted and a rundown of the pothole test
17:30 – Our concerns around the lack of change to rules around ownership of e-scooters and how the huge sharing platforms gain their influence in cities
22:00 – The growing importance of active travel in the time of COVID-19
27:50 – The upcoming challenge of being out of stock and global problems with parts manufacturing as a result of huge increased demand
30:27 – New product development – updates on the kick-stand, our new kick-assist electric kit
39:30 – We’re working on a range of new home fitness equipment. Some sneak peeks at what products we have in the pipeline!
41:30 – Swifty merchandise that we have planned for the coming months


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