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Stick Shift for Electric Car

Stick Shift for Electric Car

Author: BenjaminNelson via YouTube
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Stick Shift for Electric Car
I made a "Stick Shift" for our 2023 Chevy Bolt EV!
This car has an arm-rest which is rather far back. On top of that, it does NOT have a traditional gear selector – instead, it has a series of power-window style switches to select the gear.
Then the cup holders are behind that, and finally, the arm rest is behind that.

So, this puts the arm-rest way far back, and since there’s no gear selector, there’s no rest for my hand if it’s not on the steering wheel. Having only my elbow, and not the rest of my arm supported, if both awkward and uncomfortable.

So, I added the "Stick Shift" as a place to rest my hand.

I essentially lined the cup holder with aluminum, poured in plaster of paris, and put a piece of 3/8th" threaded rod in it. The 8-Ball is something I got from a friend many years back. It was the gear shift knob on his car, and he gave me the ball when he sold/scrapped that car. I’ve used it as the gear shift knob on a number of vehicles over the years, including my Electro-Metro and a wheelie-popping lawn tractor!

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