Fully Charged Electric Bikes via YouTube
Henry is joined by eMTB Pro and Moustache Brand Ambassador, Alexia Desile, for a comparison video on the Moustache Samedi 27 Xroad Series. You can catch Alexia’s channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/alexiadesile and her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexia.desile/
The Moustache Xroad is the perfect companion for weekend exploring, as it is weekday commuting. Here we review the Xroad 1, Xroad 3 and Xroad 7 FS. We do carry stock of other Xroad models, so if you would like to learn more, as well as finding out the status of all models please visit:
Book a consultation / test-ride here – https://calendly.com/fully-charged-ebikes
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