Author: BenjaminNelson via YouTube
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I just got my electric bill, but my solar panels haven’t seen daylight in a month, and I’ve been running electric heat! What’s that mean for this month’s bill!?!?
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I just ran through all my production and electric bills (including calculating for the Time of Use) and see that my solar has reached 49% of the way to paying for itself on a simple economic return on investment.
I installed the solar 3.5 years ago, so that’s a 7 year payback. (Although most of the value is in the spring and summer months, so this number skews longer in the winter, and shorter in the summer.)
If I ran the numbers the same way in the summer, I expect I would get a 6.5 year simple economic ROI.
I also installed two more solar panels this summer. Those two are on my shed, and the materials for those was part of the original project, so I expect about 8% more solar production from now on.
If you are interested in an OFF-GRID solar system, I recommend Joseph P. O’Connor’s OFF GRID SOLAR, Second Edition:
To start planning your own solar, take a look at PVWatts –
For Renewable Energy Incentives in the United States, please see:
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