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FEEL THE FLOW with Marco Aurelio Fontana | Bosch eBike Systems

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FEEL THE FLOW with Marco Aurelio Fontana | Bosch eBike Systems

Author: Bosch eBike Systems
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FEEL THE FLOW with Marco Aurelio Fontana | Bosch eBike Systems

Il campione Marco Aurelio Fontana sale in sella alla sua eBike epowered by Bosch e ci catapulta in un’avventura immaginaria. Un viaggio visionario tra spazi urbani, luoghi nascosti e sentieri di montagna. L’energia dell’eBike per fuggire dalla routine quotidiana, riconnettersi con sé stesso e ritrovare il flow.

Accendi i tuoi sogni, FEEL THE FLOW.


The champion Marco Aurelio Fontana gets on his ePowered by Bosch eBike and catapults us into an imaginary adventure. A visionary journey through urban spaces, hidden places and mountain paths. The energy of his eBike helps him to escape daily routine, to reconnect with himself and find the flow again.

Turn on your dreams, FEEL THE FLOW.


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