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Author: EbikeBC
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ENVO Light Electric Snowmobile
Snowboarding or Skiing is not the only option to enjoy winters anymore. As 80% of Canada is covered in snow for almost six months of the year, there is definitely a need for this versatile vehicle. The Snowkart is a completely battery-operated vehicle; it’s easy to transport as you can fit it in your SUV and does not require a truck/trailer. With a powerful Li-Ion battery, providing 2 hours of pleasure riding with single charge.
ENVO electric SnowKart is taking advantage of a system called ENVO track which is a closed rubber snow track system equipped with a 1000W hub motor sprocket. There is no mechanical transmission, hence the track can be used as an independent module. The hub motors will be controllers by BLDC controllers. A 850Wh battery module can run the system for 1 to 2 continuous hours of snow ride. Optional additional modules can be added to extend the range.
SnowKart is the name we at ENVO DRIVE SYSTEMS gave to this new product; however this is not only a GoKart for snow. Users can customize and build this machine for various sizes or configurations. The frame is an engineered Tube/Clamp construction which provides lots of flexibility and customization. This provides multiple options for DIY builders. For example, you can make 2 seater, double ski for more stability, Quad track snowmobile, single track double ski for kids, snowbikes, etc.
The 1st generation of the snowkart developed in 2018 and was successfully tested using a centralized motor and steel tack (1st video). The existing version has more flexible suspension, adjustable dimensions, independent e-brake for each track and as mentioned before safer rubber tracks.
Product’s Beta version is offered for pre-ordering to Rental fleet for winter snow tourism, Snow adaptive mobility or DIY community.
If you are interested, Please fill out this form

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