Author: BenjaminNelson via YouTube
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I got the G.E. Electrak forklift attachment out of the trailer and lifted it upright with my engine hoist. Then, I built a "kickstand" for it to keep it from tipping over on to me while working on it.
Next, was to take a look at the motor. Peering through the brush access ports, I could see plenty of grease inside. There is a grease zerk grease fitting on top of the motor, and it looked like somebody enjoyed adding LOTS of grease!
I pulled the brushes and saw they were rather worn, as I expected. As best I could see of the commutator, it was very worn down. On top of that, I couldn’t see any valleys between the commutator bars. Where I pulled the armature and tested it, all the bars were shorted to each other. The inside of the motor stator and case was also in very bad condition.
I think this calls for a motor replacement.
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