DIY CHEAP $250+ Amazon eBike Conversion Tutorial – 1000W 48V Front Hub Kit
Colin Leung DIY tutorial on how to convert a 26″ mountain bike into an eBike with a $250 1000W 48V Front Hub Kit (plus the costs of the …

Premium electric bike maker Gocycle shakes up business model, drops prices on high-tech new e-bikes

UK-based premium electric bicycle maker Gocycle is redesigning the company’s retail model in a move to bring more value to both its retailers and its customers. The good news for the latter group is that the new model means much lower pricing on Gocycle’s most premium (and most expensive) fourth-generation e-bikes known as the G4 line. more… …
Close Call! – My Magicycle Ebike Accidentally Rode Off The Bike Path!
Russ Is Right Got to think quick when your bike rides off the paved path accidentally! Visiting the Magicycle website using this link helps my …
SMAFO E-Bikes sind jetzt mit zwei Rahmendesigns verfügbar

Das Paderborner E-Bike Startup SMAFO ergänzt das etablierte Waverahmen Design seiner E-Bikes mit einer neuen Diamantrahmen-Variante. Der neue Diamantrahmen hat eine Rahmenhöhe von 53 cm und ist somit auch für Der Beitrag SMAFO E-Bikes sind jetzt mit zwei Rahmendesigns verfügbar erschien zuerst auf Pedelecs und E-Bikes. …
Dual Battery Ebike Ride – Connecticut Shoreline
Chris Crossed On a recent Saturday I joined 3 other ebikers for a 40 mile roundtrip ride through roads, trails and woods to have lunch in Guilford …
Group Ride | East Haven Trails | Stony Creek Brewery | Ecology Park Branford | Branford Shoreline | Trolley Trail | Stony Creek | Ebike Portage Over Rocks/woods | Rte 146 | Guilford/Pa’s Place | Guilford Harbor view11 chapters
UNBOX of $600 Alibaba Ebike – Youken YC-UM-01
B Rich This video shows in detail the unboxing of 20 inch tire dual suspension ebike I sourced from Alibaba for $600. Also known as …
Beach Gear hauling set-up for my E-Bike
evolutionaryTom I try to avoid taking our car to the beach. The E-Bikes are perfect for getting there but you need your gear with you in order to enjoy …
An affordable Ebike: The Mokwheel Mesa City (review)
The Khan Life If you’re in the search for an affordable ebike that has all the bells and whistles, then look no further! this here is the Mesa City …
Dash-Cam fürs E-Bike: Garmin bringt Kombi aus Rücklicht und Kamera auf den Markt

Dash-Cams für Autos gibt es schon länger, warum also nicht auch für E-Bikes und Fahrräder? Das Garmin Varia RCT716 vereint Rücklicht und Videokamera in einem. Per Radar warnt es den Fahrer von herannahenden Autos, in kritischen Situationen beginnt die Videoaufzeichnung automatisch durch den Sturzsensor. Somit haben Fahrer einen klaren Beweis bei d…
Upway lands $25 million to sell more refurbished electric bikes – TechCrunch
Upway lands $25 million to sell more refurbished electric bikes TechCrunch…